Mr.Serious, Mr.Casanova, Mr I-am-lazy
Wondering whats my job? TADAA......
Look at the boredome.......
Finally around 8, the teams starts to pour in and register for the tournament... Each team comprises of 7 players and each team has to pay RM40 to enter, imagine the profit we gain..... The rent for the court was only RM20 per hour(rented 8hrs) and the prize money was RM350 for 1st place and 100 for 2nd place.... We gave the prize to 1st and 2nd place only because we want to maximise our profits.....
The hyper group
The wanna-look-calm-before-a-match group...
This kids are only 12 year old but they played awesomely.....
The I-must-win group....
After all the registration and other miscelanous stuffs the match began...... It started at 9am and ended at 5.30pm..... This was our strategy to get them to buy drinks and food from us for they would not have time to go for lunch.... The drinks and food sold like HOT CAKES.... We bought 50 cans of 100 plus, 30 cans of a super cheap brand cola and 50 bottles of mineral water at a super discount rate(100plus bought at RM1.19 a can/cola bought at RM0.79/Mineral water bought at RM0.49 per bottle)and we old it for RM1.60 per can and RM1.20 per bottle...... We bought 30sandwiches, 15 nasi lemak, and 15 fried meehun and sold them at RM2 per sandwich, RM1.50 per nasi lemak/meehun.... And we SOLD EVERYTHING!!!! YES!!! EVERYTHING!!!! Players even came and ask if we could go and buy more....
After more than 8 grueling hours, a champion has finally been crowned but the real winners has definitely go to be us for we have profited(in terms of cash) a whole lot from this tournament....
CHAMPIONS(1st and 2nd place)
After all the cleaning up and finishing everything, we wanted to go somewhere to celebrate and count our profits(total of RM432.00++ and therefore each person recieves RM86 something) as well as celebrating our sucess and Yusufe suggested we go to Rasta and so we headed there and enjoyed ourselves... HE PAID FOR EVERYTHING!!!(which is not good because its coming out from our profit)
Look at the amount of food....
Well, every good thing has its downside too, i lost my temper due to my lack of sleep and the heat was a killer, a fight between teams nearly broke out, we were short of crews, SUNBURN!!!! But in the end, it ended well for we are all WINNERS.... Even better, Yusufe promised me that this is just the beginning and there would be more nice stuffs to do.... And not to mention the firecrackers we blasted everywhere and even in our journey from Bangsar to Rasta..... HELL YEAH!!!
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