Wednesday, November 26, 2008
What a shame.....
Random lady: *singing*blah blah blah.... I am the bomb(with her mp3)...
She was singing quite loud so the dumb THAI decided to do his nonsense and said,
Thai: Bitch you're not the bomb that goes tick tick(got the idea from lil wayne song-Got money)
He said it so loud that it was loud.... She turned slightly and we saw only 1 earphone was plugged in..... I think she heard....No, i know she heard.... She gave the look and act like nothing happen.... Man i hope i dont see her in the gym no more..... It was SUPER EMBARASSING!!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Overplayed SONGS!!!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Nightshifts are the best for me because the feeling of walking through an empty mall thrills me and everyday I'm bound to see someone i know.... And what i hate the most is customers who will open up most of the shirts and end up not buying it... FRUSTRATING!!!
Now i am currently waiting for my call from HUSH to work my double job which i bet will be very very tough but i have no choice... Cash dont just drop from skies you know... 3 days left till school officially ends and work officially starts... I only want offdays on Mondays and Saturdays or Fridays....
Sunday, November 9, 2008
More firecrackers!!! weee........
My sweet sweet payday is about to arrive and its around 400 bucks cause Key Ng pays on the every 15th of the month.... Currently still looking for more jobs, my target for this holiday is at least RM 3000... The first thing I am gonna do is spending everybody dinner because the last time i tottaly did not kept my promise and used up the money for myself.... And to Yusufe and your assclowns, you aint going to get a single cent from me cause now I ditch you guys...
Offtopic: Any Metal fans out there? Try I wish I had an Angel by Nightwish and What have you done by Within Temptation.... Totally awesome!!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I ain't going nowhere...
I get the message loud and clear when you guys lied to me today about being at home when I clearly saw you guys hanging out at the usuals.... But guess what, I've dislike you guys ever since you guys entered college for you guys have changed drasticly to the worst, promises like never going to smoke was all total bullshit.... And you know what, Porn also dislike you guys too... Its allright, I dont blame you guys for ditching me but know that Porn is going to follow me as well...
Im gonna work 24/7 this holiday with Porn at HUSH Bangsar for my holiday is definitely gonna be a shitty one and whenever i work i tend to forget everything else... Currently working at Key Ng at Gardens at a very high pay at RM7/hour and Hush only pays RM5 per hour but at least i have company... Its been a great start but a sucky middle-point, I wonder how is the ending gonna be?
Monday, November 3, 2008
Day II - Fireworking AMPANG
We(me,Yusufe,porn,Thira,Raja,Ariff,Amir) decided to disturb the juniours from my school who is playing futsal and therefore we blasted them with firecrackers!!!(Dont worry, noone was hurt, we made sure) WEEEEEE!!!! After that ran off like donkeys and back to Yusufe's house and while running we found an army knife and after a little bargaining, i get to keep it!!!
Later, we chilled at Castle(JLN AMPANG) and i promised myself never to shisha again and i manage to kept that promise eventhough it was super tempting(they used real apple/pineapple)... On the way back(In Jalan Ampang) we released more fireworks in the middle of the highway while in the car... Dumb Thira idiotly held the fireworks too long but luckily it dint blow up his hand but Raja's car wasnt so lucky...They even shot my car...
We're currently planning a big one with our newly bought fireworks...Prepare for a loud BANG.... Not much pics cause never bring camera and too dark for my phone.... Currently praying for more FUN!!!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
November begins and what a BLAST!!!
Mr.Serious, Mr.Casanova, Mr I-am-lazy
Wondering whats my job? TADAA......
Look at the boredome.......
Finally around 8, the teams starts to pour in and register for the tournament... Each team comprises of 7 players and each team has to pay RM40 to enter, imagine the profit we gain..... The rent for the court was only RM20 per hour(rented 8hrs) and the prize money was RM350 for 1st place and 100 for 2nd place.... We gave the prize to 1st and 2nd place only because we want to maximise our profits.....
The hyper group
The wanna-look-calm-before-a-match group...
This kids are only 12 year old but they played awesomely.....
The I-must-win group....
After all the registration and other miscelanous stuffs the match began...... It started at 9am and ended at 5.30pm..... This was our strategy to get them to buy drinks and food from us for they would not have time to go for lunch.... The drinks and food sold like HOT CAKES.... We bought 50 cans of 100 plus, 30 cans of a super cheap brand cola and 50 bottles of mineral water at a super discount rate(100plus bought at RM1.19 a can/cola bought at RM0.79/Mineral water bought at RM0.49 per bottle)and we old it for RM1.60 per can and RM1.20 per bottle...... We bought 30sandwiches, 15 nasi lemak, and 15 fried meehun and sold them at RM2 per sandwich, RM1.50 per nasi lemak/meehun.... And we SOLD EVERYTHING!!!! YES!!! EVERYTHING!!!! Players even came and ask if we could go and buy more....
After more than 8 grueling hours, a champion has finally been crowned but the real winners has definitely go to be us for we have profited(in terms of cash) a whole lot from this tournament....
CHAMPIONS(1st and 2nd place)
After all the cleaning up and finishing everything, we wanted to go somewhere to celebrate and count our profits(total of RM432.00++ and therefore each person recieves RM86 something) as well as celebrating our sucess and Yusufe suggested we go to Rasta and so we headed there and enjoyed ourselves... HE PAID FOR EVERYTHING!!!(which is not good because its coming out from our profit)
Look at the amount of food....
Well, every good thing has its downside too, i lost my temper due to my lack of sleep and the heat was a killer, a fight between teams nearly broke out, we were short of crews, SUNBURN!!!! But in the end, it ended well for we are all WINNERS.... Even better, Yusufe promised me that this is just the beginning and there would be more nice stuffs to do.... And not to mention the firecrackers we blasted everywhere and even in our journey from Bangsar to Rasta..... HELL YEAH!!!