Wednesday, January 7, 2009


After 2 months of holiday, waking up around 2 in the afternoon, late night outings, working, school seems like a dull and boring place. Well, everything is planned out, im gonna sleep in class as much as possible and try my best not to get caught, sleep in the afternoon, and go out at night :D Everyday i'll look forward to Mondays for it is Futsal night, at least i still look forward to something and pass time... Speaking of monday night futsal, i was stopped by a roadblock and asked to pull aside for me did not have our safety belts on.... Thx goodness the futsal court was nearby and he let us off...

Lets see, there is like only 10 months for STPM, so therefore im still not gonna study super hard until errm May? Nothing but entertainment is in my mind right now... Guess what, i dont think studying in school nor paying attention to certain teachers is usefull... ''if you dont understand and you come and ask me i'll ask you to go back and read again,'' This is what a teacher said in class on the first day(something roughly like that)... Isnt it a student's job to ask question if they do not know and a teacher's job to answer it? But for certain reason, i like that teacher...

Im now just waiting for sports day and grab as many oppurtunity to get into as many events as possible.... Im gonna train like a crazy guy and win at least a long distant event... Its been a long time since i ran for any events and hei, too see their face when they lose is priceless, same goes for me if i lose but who cares?

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