Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Yuck yuck, the thought of cutting human flesh tends to irritate me, not to mention actually putting a piece of human flesh into one's mouth and chewing it...........................

What is the reason for one person to munch down on another person?
1. I once read a book which says that an unknown tribe eats human flesh because they believe they can gain their ability by eating them..... Like for example if they want run fast, they'll eat a deer and if they want to be tough they'll eat a lion.... So if they want to become as smart as their father, i guess they'll just have to start eating their fathers......

2. They are just plain crazy i guess.......

3. They suddenly crave for human flesh like how we suddenly wake up and crave for a nice juicy Victoria Station's Steak....

Randomness seems to be the new HIT thing, so i guess this whole post appear out of my sheer randomness......... But i get this idea from Prison Break SEASON 4(I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!) where T-bag was just robbed and was stranded on a dessert with this other fat guy... but T-bag out smarted him and roasted the fat guy and ATE him......

T-bag : ''Urhhh....*feeling SICK after eating a fat Mexican dude*''

Passerby on ATV: Yo dude, need help?

T-bag: My car broke down few miles back....UrK*feel like vomitting*

Passerby on ATV: You okay? Had a bad Mexican?(what he meant was mexican food)

T-bag: Something like that.....

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